VIP Coaching


You are a smart and successful Asian woman leader.

 But you feel burned out from the stress of constant demands on you at work and at home.

 You want to be able to reclaim your time and energy to do things you enjoy and passions that light you up.

 That’s where I come in.

By conventional standards, I checked all the boxes of success: I was a senior leader in a Fortune 500 company, financially successful, married, and traveled all around the world. But I felt miserable, empty, and lonely. I realized that I had been living life based on others’ expectations. Eventually, through the help of therapy and coaching, I felt empowered to redefine my own success. I decided to fire corporate America, fire my husband, and fire the old me that no longer served me.

I wanted to make a difference for Asian women leaders like you. So, I became a certified coach and created the “Stress Less for Greater Success” process to empower you to live a life with less stress and more peace and achieve greater success on your own terms.

Let’s do this!

My 5-month VIP Coaching program is a delightful partnership where you and I:

We’ll uncover what is causing you stress and holding you back.

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your current behavior patterns and how they impact your life and career.

You will transform limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs, removing the blockers that stand in your you.


You will replace negative self-talk with supportive, kind, and empowering thoughts.

You will gain emotional intelligence by understanding and regulating your emotions.

You will establish healthy boundaries that protect your time, energy and well-being, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.


We will work together to identify what you really want and expand new possibilities for your future.

You will craft a detailed vision of the life you want to lead, aligning your goals with your values and passions.

You will harness your unique strengths and qualities, empowering you to take decisive action toward your vision confidently and clearly.


You will embrace vulnerability as a pathway to authentic connections, building a strong, supportive network that aligns with your values.

You will develop the courage to embrace discomfort and challenges, consistently showing up for yourself and your goals.

You will express yourself clearly and confidently in any situation, ensuring your voice is heard and respected.  


I’d love to hear more about you and your current goals and challenges as an Asian woman leader. Let’s talk soon.

First, please share a bit about yourself in the quick questionnaire below.

I’ll be in touch to schedule a complimentary 45-minute Discovery Call so I can learn exactly what you want and share how I can help you get there.