My Story

I was born and raised in Mount Lushan, a small town in China. In the '80s, China was a much poorer and underdeveloped country, and my lower working-class parents struggled to make ends meet. I grew up with only rudimentary food and shelter, and it was instilled in me from an early age that I needed to take education seriously, get good grades, and find a good job with a stable salary.

 I became a laser-focused, straight-A student. I was accepted at one of the most prestigious universities in China. On my own, I learned to speak fluent English. In 2006, I moved to the U.S. to attend Duke University and graduated with an MBA. Intent on climbing the corporate ladder, I became a senior leader in large corporations with increasing responsibilities and paychecks to match. I got married, bought a house, and adopted two pets.

Here I was, finally living the life I thought I was supposed to live, the life I’d been striving for since I was a little girl, the life that should have brought me happiness and meaning, but deep in my heart, that’s not what I was feeling. Instead, I felt empty, lonely, and disconnected, like I’d lost my way on this journey called life.

 It dawned on me that maybe I was on the wrong path, and that’s when I started my journey of self-reflection and self-discovery. Serendipitously I stumbled upon life coaching. My life coach helped me look honestly at my inner self and I learned what really mattered to me, and what I really wanted to do with my life. Through this process I learned what values are important to me and how to create action plans aligned with those values, and then to create positive changes that align with those core values. I fell in love with the process even as I saw my own life changing for the better.

My newly discovered sense of self allowed me to end my 12-year relationship with my partner, which was not serving me anymore, and become more open and vulnerable with my family and friends, bringing me closer to them than ever before. As these relationships blossomed, they brought me joy, satisfaction, and deep feelings of connection and community. For the first time in my life, I felt a profound sense of inner peace, liberation, and freedom of being. 

My own life-changing experience inspired me to become a life coach. I wanted to share the same liberating, transformative, and joyful journey with others. I’m living the life I really want, pursuing the life my heart desires, and you can too. Together, we can design the life YOU really want, taking you from surviving to thriving. Let’s embark on this liberating and infinitely rewarding journey together!

My Credentials


Formal Education:​

  • M.B.A., Duke University

  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC), International Coaching Federation (ICF)

  • Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

  • Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), iPEC

School of life:

  • 20 years of diverse leadership experience in marketing & general management roles at Nike, Reckitt,, &

  • Multicultural Navigator who is multilingual (English, Chinese, and Spanish) and has lived in three countries (China, US, and South Korea).

  • Avid Meditator with 200+ hours of Vipassana meditation training completed

  • Certified Yoga Teacher

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