Linda Alunkal - Philadelphia

Coco is truly an exceptional coach. When I first started working with her, I was at a crossroads in my career, having just been laid off and struggling to find my footing. Coco’s approach was unlike anything I’d experienced before. She created a space for deep self-reflection, guiding me to uncover my own answers rather than just offering solutions. Through our sessions, I was able to reconnect with my sense of purpose, redefine my career path, and strengthen the foundation of my personal life. A year later, I’m thriving in ways I never imagined, both professionally and personally. If you're considering coaching, I can’t recommend Coco enough—she will empower you to spread your wings and soar.

Stephanie Ho - New York City

Coco's coaching transformed my life during a period of significant transition. When I felt lost, stuck in the routine of corporate life, and unsure of my future, she provided the clarity and support I needed. Her understanding of both the corporate world and the personal challenges I faced made her the perfect coach for me. Through our sessions, Coco guided me to uncover my values, set meaningful boundaries, and build the confidence to pursue what truly matters to me. I'm now more energized and focused, both personally and professionally. I highly recommend Coco to anyone seeking a coach who genuinely listens, challenges, and empowers you to create a life aligned with your true self.

Diamond Bolden - Florida

Before working with Coco, I felt conflicted, frustrated, and stuck in my career. From the start, her genuine outlook, positive energy, and ability to command a room made her stand out. What truly set her apart was her understanding of my struggles, having come from the corporate world herself.

Coco’s coaching was transformative. She gave me the tools to set and enforce boundaries, helping me realize that prioritizing myself is not selfish but essential. Thanks to her, I now achieve a healthier work-life balance and approach relationships with the energy they truly deserve.

If you’re looking to become the best version of yourself, Coco is the coach you need. She’s worth the investment—and so are you.

Florencia Stoppello - Florida

Working with Coco was a transformative experience. When I began, I struggled with authenticity, often hiding my true self out of fear of rejection. Over two months, Coco guided me through exercises that, although initially unfamiliar and challenging, led to profound insights. She has an incredible ability to listen, understand, and give precise words to feelings I couldn't express myself. Coco's support helped me move from self-doubt to embracing who I am, making me feel lighter, free, and more confident in my decisions. If you're considering working with her, trust the process and open up—she'll guide you to a happy ending.

Irene Dominique - Pennsylvania

Coco's coaching transformed my life in just three months. After navigating personal losses and leaving Corporate America, I felt lost and overwhelmed. Working with Coco helped me embrace self-compassion, shed societal expectations, and find the discipline to thrive truly. Her genuine understanding and practical tools allowed me to step into my true self with confidence. I've achieved more with Coco in three months than I did in five years of therapy. If you're considering working with her, know that it's the best investment you can make in yourself.

Sofya Pyari - Florida

Joining Coco's program was a turning point in my life. When I started, I was struggling with doubts, dissatisfaction in both my personal and professional life, and a lack of direction. But through Coco's guidance, I gained the clarity and confidence I needed. Today, I’m proud to say I'm thriving—I've found my footing as a full-time yoga instructor, and I've transformed my marriage by taking personal responsibility. Coco helped me uncover my true potential, and now, I feel empowered to keep moving forward with purpose and positivity. I’m deeply grateful for this journey.

Macie Saiz - Florida

Coco has been my career coach for a duration of 3 months! I participated in the group option (3 including self) which was a nice way to meet others that were on a similar path. We supported each other as we grew through Coco’s teachings. Within less than a month, my husband noticed the change of attitude and mindset I had within such a short timeframe. I went from feeling at my lowest to feeling at my highest. I was filled with natural confidence due to my time with Coco. She is a ball of energy that challenges you, keeps you accountable, and inspires you to put in the hard work of self-development. Investing in yourself is the best decision you can make for yourself!

Ariana Loza - Florida

Coco has been a great inspiration for me to challenge myself to go out of my comfort zone and be more confident! As a coach she has helped guide me to better manage myself in my career and outside of work. I always leave our conversations prepared with action steps to help me improve on something I am struggling with.

Success Story with Linda Alunkal

Success Story with Stephanie Ho

Success Story with Florencia Stoppello

Success Story with Irene Dominique

Success Story with Sofya Pyari